package Test2::Event::Exception; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '1.302204'; BEGIN { require Test2::Event; our @ISA = qw(Test2::Event) } use Test2::Util::HashBase qw{error}; sub init { my $self = shift; $self->{+ERROR} = "$self->{+ERROR}"; } sub causes_fail { 1 } sub summary { my $self = shift; chomp(my $msg = "Exception: " . $self->{+ERROR}); return $msg; } sub diagnostics { 1 } sub facet_data { my $self = shift; my $out = $self->common_facet_data; $out->{errors} = [ { tag => 'ERROR', fail => 1, details => $self->{+ERROR}, } ]; return $out; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Test2::Event::Exception - Exception event =head1 DESCRIPTION An exception event will display to STDERR, and will prevent the overall test file from passing. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Test2::API qw/context/; use Test2::Event::Exception; my $ctx = context(); my $event = $ctx->send_event('Exception', error => 'Stuff is broken'); =head1 METHODS Inherits from L. Also defines: =over 4 =item $reason = $e->error The reason for the exception. =back =head1 CAVEATS Be aware that all exceptions are stringified during construction. =head1 SOURCE The source code repository for Test2 can be found at L. =head1 MAINTAINERS =over 4 =item Chad Granum Eexodist@cpan.orgE =back =head1 AUTHORS =over 4 =item Chad Granum Eexodist@cpan.orgE =back =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright Chad Granum Eexodist@cpan.orgE. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L =cut