package Tie::RefHash; # git description: v1.40-9-g23812d9 # ABSTRACT: Use references as hash keys our $VERSION = '1.41'; #pod =head1 SYNOPSIS #pod #pod require 5.004; #pod use Tie::RefHash; #pod tie HASHVARIABLE, 'Tie::RefHash', LIST; #pod tie HASHVARIABLE, 'Tie::RefHash::Nestable', LIST; #pod #pod untie HASHVARIABLE; #pod #pod =head1 DESCRIPTION #pod #pod This module provides the ability to use references as hash keys if you #pod first C the hash variable to this module. Normally, only the #pod keys of the tied hash itself are preserved as references; to use #pod references as keys in hashes-of-hashes, use Tie::RefHash::Nestable, #pod included as part of Tie::RefHash. #pod #pod It is implemented using the standard perl TIEHASH interface. Please #pod see the C entry in perlfunc(1) and perltie(1) for more information. #pod #pod The Nestable version works by looking for hash references being stored #pod and converting them to tied hashes so that they too can have #pod references as keys. This will happen without warning whenever you #pod store a reference to one of your own hashes in the tied hash. #pod #pod =head1 EXAMPLE #pod #pod use Tie::RefHash; #pod tie %h, 'Tie::RefHash'; #pod $a = []; #pod $b = {}; #pod $c = \*main; #pod $d = \"gunk"; #pod $e = sub { 'foo' }; #pod %h = ($a => 1, $b => 2, $c => 3, $d => 4, $e => 5); #pod $a->[0] = 'foo'; #pod $b->{foo} = 'bar'; #pod for (keys %h) { #pod print ref($_), "\n"; #pod } #pod #pod tie %h, 'Tie::RefHash::Nestable'; #pod $h{$a}->{$b} = 1; #pod for (keys %h, keys %{$h{$a}}) { #pod print ref($_), "\n"; #pod } #pod #pod =head1 THREAD SUPPORT #pod #pod L fully supports threading using the C method. #pod #pod =head1 STORABLE SUPPORT #pod #pod L hooks are provided for semantically correct serialization and #pod cloning of tied refhashes. #pod #pod =head1 AUTHORS #pod #pod Gurusamy Sarathy #pod #pod Tie::RefHash::Nestable by Ed Avis #pod #pod =head1 SEE ALSO #pod #pod perl(1), perlfunc(1), perltie(1) #pod #pod =cut use Tie::Hash; our @ISA = qw(Tie::Hash); use strict; use Carp (); # Tie::RefHash::Weak (until at least 0.09) assumes we define a refaddr() # function, so just import the one from Scalar::Util use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr); BEGIN { # determine whether we need to take care of threads use Config (); my $usethreads = $Config::Config{usethreads}; # && exists $INC{""} *_HAS_THREADS = $usethreads ? sub () { 1 } : sub () { 0 }; *_HAS_WEAKEN = defined(&Scalar::Util::weaken) ? sub () { 1 } : sub () { 0 }; } my (@thread_object_registry, $count); # used by the CLONE method to rehash the keys after their refaddr changed sub TIEHASH { my $c = shift; my $s = []; bless $s, $c; while (@_) { $s->STORE(shift, shift); } if (_HAS_THREADS ) { if ( _HAS_WEAKEN ) { # remember the object so that we can rekey it on CLONE push @thread_object_registry, $s; # but make this a weak reference, so that there are no leaks Scalar::Util::weaken( $thread_object_registry[-1] ); if ( ++$count > 1000 ) { # this ensures we don't fill up with a huge array dead weakrefs @thread_object_registry = grep defined, @thread_object_registry; Scalar::Util::weaken( $_ ) for @thread_object_registry; $count = 0; } } else { $count++; # used in the warning } } return $s; } my $storable_format_version = join("/", __PACKAGE__, "0.01"); sub STORABLE_freeze { my ( $self, $is_cloning ) = @_; my ( $refs, $reg ) = @$self; return ( $storable_format_version, [ values %$refs ], $reg || {} ); } sub STORABLE_thaw { my ( $self, $is_cloning, $version, $refs, $reg ) = @_; Carp::croak "incompatible versions of Tie::RefHash between freeze and thaw" unless $version eq $storable_format_version; @$self = ( {}, $reg ); $self->_reindex_keys( $refs ); } sub CLONE { my $pkg = shift; if ( $count and not _HAS_WEAKEN ) { warn "Tie::RefHash is not threadsafe without Scalar::Util::weaken"; } # when the thread has been cloned all the objects need to be updated. # dead weakrefs are undefined, so we filter them out @thread_object_registry = grep defined && do { $_->_reindex_keys; 1 }, @thread_object_registry; Scalar::Util::weaken( $_ ) for @thread_object_registry; $count = 0; # we just cleaned up } sub _reindex_keys { my ( $self, $extra_keys ) = @_; # rehash all the ref keys based on their new StrVal %{ $self->[0] } = map +(refaddr($_->[0]) => $_), (values(%{ $self->[0] }), @{ $extra_keys || [] }); } sub FETCH { my($s, $k) = @_; if (ref $k) { my $kstr = refaddr($k); if (defined $s->[0]{$kstr}) { $s->[0]{$kstr}[1]; } else { undef; } } else { $s->[1]{$k}; } } sub STORE { my($s, $k, $v) = @_; if (ref $k) { $s->[0]{refaddr($k)} = [$k, $v]; } else { $s->[1]{$k} = $v; } $v; } sub DELETE { my($s, $k) = @_; (ref $k) ? (delete($s->[0]{refaddr($k)}) || [])->[1] : delete($s->[1]{$k}); } sub EXISTS { my($s, $k) = @_; (ref $k) ? exists($s->[0]{refaddr($k)}) : exists($s->[1]{$k}); } sub FIRSTKEY { my $s = shift; keys %{$s->[0]}; # reset iterator keys %{$s->[1]}; # reset iterator $s->[2] = 0; # flag for iteration, see NEXTKEY $s->NEXTKEY; } sub NEXTKEY { my $s = shift; my ($k, $v); if (!$s->[2]) { if (($k, $v) = each %{$s->[0]}) { return $v->[0]; } else { $s->[2] = 1; } } return each %{$s->[1]}; } sub CLEAR { my $s = shift; $s->[2] = 0; %{$s->[0]} = (); %{$s->[1]} = (); } package # hide from PAUSE Tie::RefHash::Nestable; our @ISA = 'Tie::RefHash'; sub STORE { my($s, $k, $v) = @_; if (ref($v) eq 'HASH' and not tied %$v) { my @elems = %$v; tie %$v, ref($s), @elems; } $s->SUPER::STORE($k, $v); } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Tie::RefHash - Use references as hash keys =head1 VERSION version 1.41 =head1 SYNOPSIS require 5.004; use Tie::RefHash; tie HASHVARIABLE, 'Tie::RefHash', LIST; tie HASHVARIABLE, 'Tie::RefHash::Nestable', LIST; untie HASHVARIABLE; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides the ability to use references as hash keys if you first C the hash variable to this module. Normally, only the keys of the tied hash itself are preserved as references; to use references as keys in hashes-of-hashes, use Tie::RefHash::Nestable, included as part of Tie::RefHash. It is implemented using the standard perl TIEHASH interface. Please see the C entry in perlfunc(1) and perltie(1) for more information. The Nestable version works by looking for hash references being stored and converting them to tied hashes so that they too can have references as keys. This will happen without warning whenever you store a reference to one of your own hashes in the tied hash. =head1 EXAMPLE use Tie::RefHash; tie %h, 'Tie::RefHash'; $a = []; $b = {}; $c = \*main; $d = \"gunk"; $e = sub { 'foo' }; %h = ($a => 1, $b => 2, $c => 3, $d => 4, $e => 5); $a->[0] = 'foo'; $b->{foo} = 'bar'; for (keys %h) { print ref($_), "\n"; } tie %h, 'Tie::RefHash::Nestable'; $h{$a}->{$b} = 1; for (keys %h, keys %{$h{$a}}) { print ref($_), "\n"; } =head1 THREAD SUPPORT L fully supports threading using the C method. =head1 STORABLE SUPPORT L hooks are provided for semantically correct serialization and cloning of tied refhashes. =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1), perlfunc(1), perltie(1) =head1 SUPPORT Bugs may be submitted through L (or L). =head1 AUTHORS Gurusamy Sarathy Tie::RefHash::Nestable by Ed Avis =head1 CONTRIBUTORS =for stopwords Yuval Kogman Karen Etheridge Florian Ragwitz Lukas Mai Jerry D. Hedden tusooa =over 4 =item * Yuval Kogman =item * Karen Etheridge =item * Florian Ragwitz =item * Lukas Mai =item * Jerry D. Hedden =item * tusooa =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This software is copyright (c) 2006 by יובל קוג'מן (Yuval Kogman) . This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut