#!/home/perldoc/perldoc-browser/perls/5.40.0-RC2/bin/perl eval 'exec /home/perldoc/perldoc-browser/perls/5.40.0-RC2/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; # ^ Run only under a shell #!/usr/bin/perl BEGIN { pop @INC if $INC[-1] eq '.' } use strict; use warnings; use Archive::Tar; use Getopt::Std; my $opts = {}; getopts('h:', $opts) or die usage(); die usages() if $opts->{h}; ### need Text::Diff -- give a polite error (not a standard prereq) unless ( eval { require Text::Diff; Text::Diff->import; 1 } ) { die "\n\t This tool requires the 'Text::Diff' module to be installed\n"; } my $arch = shift or die usage(); my $tar = Archive::Tar->new( $arch ) or die "Couldn't read '$arch': $!"; foreach my $file ( $tar->get_files ) { next unless $file->is_file; my $prefix = $file->prefix; my $name = $file->name; if (defined $prefix) { $name = File::Spec->catfile($prefix, $name); } diff( \($file->get_content), $name, { FILENAME_A => $name, MTIME_A => $file->mtime, OUTPUT => \*STDOUT } ); } sub usage { return q[ Usage: ptardiff ARCHIVE_FILE ptardiff -h ptardiff is a small program that diffs an extracted archive against an unextracted one, using the perl module Archive::Tar. This effectively lets you view changes made to an archives contents. Provide the progam with an ARCHIVE_FILE and it will look up all the files with in the archive, scan the current working directory for a file with the name and diff it against the contents of the archive. Options: h Prints this help message Sample Usage: $ tar -xzf Acme-Buffy-1.3.tar.gz $ vi Acme-Buffy-1.3/README [...] $ ptardiff Acme-Buffy-1.3.tar.gz > README.patch See Also: tar(1) ptar Archive::Tar ] . $/; } =head1 NAME ptardiff - program that diffs an extracted archive against an unextracted one =head1 DESCRIPTION ptardiff is a small program that diffs an extracted archive against an unextracted one, using the perl module Archive::Tar. This effectively lets you view changes made to an archives contents. Provide the progam with an ARCHIVE_FILE and it will look up all the files with in the archive, scan the current working directory for a file with the name and diff it against the contents of the archive. =head1 SYNOPSIS ptardiff ARCHIVE_FILE ptardiff -h $ tar -xzf Acme-Buffy-1.3.tar.gz $ vi Acme-Buffy-1.3/README [...] $ ptardiff Acme-Buffy-1.3.tar.gz > README.patch =head1 OPTIONS h Prints this help message =head1 SEE ALSO tar(1), L. =cut